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Maundy Thursday


Ours is a social choir, with a focus on excellence whilst we sing, but fun when we don’t. We derive so much joy from the music which inspires us. During Holy Week, however, we switch our focus to more sombre themes. This week, on Maundy Thursday, we are honoured to help celebrate Maundy Services at the Church of St Katharine Cree, Leadenhall Street, London. Followers will know we return time & again to this sacred place for our recitals. Fun fact - it is reputed that GF Handel himself played the organ which still takes pride of place there today. His successor Colin Spinks, Organist at St Katharine Cree, has composed his Missa Ubi Caritas specifically for this important day in the Christian calendar. We will be singing this, along with Ola Gjeilo’s celebrated Ubi Caritas, during the Service at the standard Maundy Thursday tradition of the Stripping of the Altar. Join us from 13H00 at St Katharine Cree, and join in for the hymns specifically selected for Passiontide and Holy Week from such composers as Ireland and Gibbons.

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